KIRBIŠ, Andrej (Ed.); LAMOT, Monika; LUBEJ, Maruša; PETRAŠ, Žiga; JAVORNIK, Marija; VEZJAK, Boris; KOLETNIK, Melita; KORŽE, Vanesa (2024). Zdravstvena pismenost in cepljenje v Sloveniji in Evropi [Health literacy and vaccination in Slovenia and Europe]. Maribor: Kulturni center Maribor, zavod za umetniško produkcijo in založništvo. Zbirka Frontier, 309.
LAMOT, Monika; KIRBIŠ, Andrej (2024). Multilevel analysis of COVID-19 vaccination intention: the moderating role of economic and cultural country characteristics. European journal of public health, 34 (2): 380–386. doi:
LAMOT, Monika; KERMAN, Katja; KIRBIŠ, Andrej (2024). Ideological differences in COVID-19 vaccine intention: the effects of trust in the healthcare system, in complementary and alternative medicine, and perceived threat from the disease. Frontiers in psychology, 15: 1–8. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1332697
LAMOT, Monika; KIRBIŠ, Andrej; VRDELJA, Mitja (2024). Exploring the inherent heterogeneity of vaccine hesitancy: a study of a childhood-vaccine-hesitant population. Vaccines, 12 (8). doi: 10.3390/vaccines12080839
LUBEJ, Maruša; KIRBIŠ, Andrej (in review). Why does literacy matter, and for whom? Explaining the differentiating impact of health literacy on vaccine attitudes.
LAMOT, Monika; KIRBIŠ, Andrej (in review). Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Uptake among Health and Medical College Students: A Discrete Choice Experiment.
LAMOT, Monika; KIRBIŠ, Andrej (in review). The Validity and Reliability of the Slovenian Version of the Health Literacy Questionnaire short-form (HLS-EU-Q16) among Adults and Older Adults.
KIRBIŠ, Andrej (2023). The impact of socioeconomic status, perceived threat and healthism on vaccine hesitancy. Sustainability, 15 (7): 1–13. doi: 10.3390/su15076107
KIRBIŠ, Andrej; LAMOT, Monika; JAVORNIK, Marija (2023). Kritična zdravstvena pismenost in oklevanje staršev do otroških cepiv v Sloveniji. In: MLEKUŽ, Ana (Ed.), ŽAGAR, Igor Ž. (Ed.). Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: izobraževanje učiteljic in učiteljev za raziskovalno učenje in poučevanje: book of abstracts: 8. scientific conference, Koper, 20. in 21. september 2023. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, pp. 79–80.
KIRBIŠ, Andrej; LAMOT, Monika; VEZJAK, Boris; KOLETNIK, Melita; JAVORNIK, Marija (2023). Critical health literacy and parental childhood vaccine hesitancy in Slovenia: the mediating role of poor vaccine knowledge. V: CHAW, Ei Phyu (Ed.). ‘Teacher education on the move’: ATEE Annual Conference 2023: book of abstracts: 27-30 August 2023. Brussels: Association for Teacher Education in Europe, 2023, pp. 390–393.
KIRBIŠ, Andrej (2022). The impact of cultural capital on vaccine attitudes among the Slovenian public. Vaccines, 10 (11): 1–12. doi: 10.3390/vaccines10111947